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              RASCAL TOO





                     GUESSSSSSSSS WHOOOOOOOOO???????

This is Rascal the 3rd, and I'm sooooo happy to tell you that my Mommie was able to find me AGAIN! You know that she found me - or rather, *I* found *her* - as a stray BOTH previous times. And after I left her last Dec, she wondered how I'd be able to find her again, considering the fact that she lives out here in the desert, a climate largely inhospitable to domestic rabbits. Well, I did my best, contacting her thru her dreams. I sent her lots of dreams about a little boy bunny, sitting at her feet, who was lost and crying that he wanted to go home with her. This led her to believe that I was communicating with her. As she didn't know how else to find me, she did a Petfinder search online and she found me!

Some nice people in Phoenix found me and brought me to a shelter. The shelter posted my picture and also mentioned that I was brought in by some people who found me WANDERING AROUND AS A STRAY -- HELLO!! Does that ring any bells? That immediately caught Mommie's eye, so on Sept 18 she & Flower made the 9-hr round trip to Phoenix to get me and bring me home. As soon as I met Flower, I started grooming her to let her know it was me - "It's me!  I'm back!  Do you recognize me?" And she groomed me back! She's twice as big as me (8lbs); I'm just a tiny little 3lbs and still need to grow into my big feet, heeheee! Seems that with each incarnation my markings change a little, too.  First time my markings were really black, second time, light grey, this time they're black but only my ears & nose; my feet & tail are white!  But my eyes have always been a beautiful ruby red!

Flower & I are getting re-acquainted, as we never really had a chance to bond before. We were only together for one week before I crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but she remembered me as soon as we met again!  We started snuggling soon as we got home, & we enjoy sharing our salads.  We also loooove sharing a piece of nanner that Mommie gives us as a treat every morning.

It's so good to be back home again!                          I'm the boss of my territory!         

Here's my friend Jackie, lounging in her hay house.            Jackie has a "twin sister," heehee!  Must run in the

                         Isn't that the cutest thing?                                           family - her mom has a twin sister, too!

We've been in Arizona for a few years now.  Here's our front yard in January - lookit all that GREEN!  Meanwhile, Mommie's friends back in Michigan are enjoying a mid-winter picnic.

 Heeheehee!  I just couldn't help myself!


Bunspace is a "Myspace" for bunnies & their hoomins.  Dreamed up by a bunny-loving couple in northern California, Bunspace debuted on the net in Dec, 2007.  At the present, there are over 5,500 bunz from around the world in the Bunspace community. We share our stories, our treats, our favorite toys, our health problems, our sorrows, and our joys.  We've met so many nice buns on Bunspace!  Here's our badges:

A bunny named Padme from New Zeeland wrote this for me after reading my story here:

Your Soul Survived (I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor)

First when you died

I was mortified
Kept thinking I could never live
Without my bun by my side
I spent so many nights
Feeling your spirit in my room
It grew strong
You learned how you'd carry on
And so your back
From the spirit plane
I just walked out to find a baby bun there
With your look upon it's face
I should have known you are my rock
I should have buried you a key
If I had known for just one second
You'd be back to live with me.

Go on now binky, skip through our door
Just come on home now
Cause you're welcome for evermore
Aren't you the one who will never say goodbye
You think you'd like a cuddle
You think our love will never die
Oh no, it won't
It will survive
As long as we know how to love
Our bond will stay alive
I've got all my love to give
I've got all my veg to give
And love will survive
It will survive

It took all the bunnyproofing I had
For my house not to fall apart
Kept trying hard to mend
The pieces of my broken carpet
And I spent so many nights
Just bunspacing advice myself
I used to try
Now I hold my wires up high
And I see you
Somebunny not new
You've not changed from that little bunny
When I first met you
And so you felt like bouncing in
And justly expect carrots for free
Now I'm saving all my parsley
For the bun who lives with me.

WOWEE - I am honored!

And of course, with bunnies, comes POOP! Benjamin from Australia wrote this poop poem:

The Bunny POOP Poem! 

We're POOPING here! We're POOPING there!
Us buns are POOPING everywhere!
We POOP in Houses, We POOP in chairs!
We POOP up and down all the stairs!

Our POOPS are brown, our POOPS are small
Our POOPS are as round as a mini golf ball!

Our POOPS  are neat, with out much smell!
We all think our POOPS are really quite swell!
We're POOPING here! We're POOPING  there!
Us wonderful buns POOP everywhere!
We POOP in corners! We POOP in piles!
All of us buns have our own POOPING styles!

I have very talented ears this time around -- I can do the hareplane, flop 'em like a lop, or even tell time with them, heeheee! 


I feel sooooo much safer with this

sign on our front door!

Sure hope this isn't a recipe!


We bunnies are not toys, though we look like cuddly stuffed animals.  Buy some chocolate candy & a stuffed bunny rabbit for your kids for Easter.  Then if they get tired of the toy, no harm done, as real bunnies can live up to 10 years or more, if well cared for! 



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