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We're still kicking around Bunspace!


Here's Flower's & my Halloween costumes; she's  a pumpkin & I'm a wizard:

Well it was a long hard campaign, but with the support of my friends, I made it!

My First Lady Flower, & a neat pic my friends Coop & Finny made for me!

Did I mention - BUNSPACE RULES!

                        I even learned to use the computer!                                       The pagan group logo!

Bunspace has been on the net for almost 2 years now and has about 11,000 bunnies signed up as members. This is such a great community! There's always something to talk about, someone to talk to, laugh with, cry with, whatever! And of course the other bunny parents understand! There's even a pagan group within Bunspace that mommie joined.

My buddy Benjamin (who wrote the poop poem) made these great pix for me.  He also made this great collage of many of the Bunspace Bunnies.  Can you find Flower & me?

I've had lots of adventures lately...

Rafting down the Colorado River, skydiving, the Grand Canyon, a trip to Paris, my job as an FBI Agent, fortunetelling, driving a race car, & a stint as SuperBun!


Flower crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge on Feb 3, 2009. She was 9 1/2 years old, became seriously ill overnight, and went downhill rapidly. She asked Mommie to help relieve her suffering, so we took her to the vet. I went along to say goodbye to my companion of over 4 years.  Binky free, my sweet bunny girl...

Remember Wally, the Harewear Bun?  Though he's been gone to the Rainbow Bridge for many years, there are now 2 other buns carrying on the proud Harewear tradition:


                     Riley the VikingBun                                    Riley's brother & rival, Norman


Heeeeeere's Muffy! She came from a rescue in Las Vegas (ooh-la-la!) a couple weeks after Flower left us. Mommie thought I looked sad & lonely so she found Muffy on Petfinder, and some nice people who volunteer for that shelter brought her to us. Muff's a Californian. (I wish they ALL could be California Girls! heeheehee)  And of course, Muff's now on Bunspace!

Muff almost didn't get to stay with us; she was very aggressive, bit Mommie, and chased me and tried to bite my butt! She was one scary bunwoman! In fact, the day after Muff got here, Mommie emailed the shelter and asked them to come get her and take her back! Well then Mommie felt sorry fur Muff and decided to give her a chance. Within a week Muff mellowed; she ran to greet Mommie everytime Mommie entered the room and she begged for pets. So we tried again and this time it worked. Muff still enjoys humping me daily but she doesn't chase me or try to nip my buns anymore, so I put up with her.

"MEEE, chubby? I disapprove of that!"                                                       

        "Hay! I'm the Diva here!"                                                  

She follows me everywhere...

I guess she likes me!  (SIGH 


"Sniff...sniff... whazzat?

Mommie's bringing dinner!"

SHEESH!  Just for that, I'm grabbin

the last carrot, heeheehee!

UH-OH......... Here I go again!

         Muffy & I have a midnight ritual.                             I'm a VikingBun!                                    

Zippity DoDa, Coop, Finn, Muff, & myself had a late-night picnic together.

Some buns have done some really nice artwork for me, too!

Da Baroness' mom is a talented artist. She made this pencil sketch of Muff & me.

Bunn Bunn made this for me: "Portrait of the Artist.

Honey made this cute cartoon of me.

The gorgeous Muffy celebrates her Diva-ness.

What a daredevil she is, skydiving!

Muff's even learning to surf!

Muff makes sure to get plenty of beauty sleep!

She fancies herself suuuuch                         Here we are dancing!  Ole'!                                  But in reality... SHEESH!

                  a Diva!

Our dear little friend Trinket has been pretty ill recently but, as usual, she pulled through yet again, little miracle that she is! This painting was inspired by her comment, "I'm not out of the woods yet."  The title of it is: "All the Bunnies Come to Greet Trinket az She Comes Out of the Woods."

Sadly, Trinket left for the Rainbow Bridge on Aug 8, 2009.  Here she is with her wonderful Mama.

I've had some pretty weird adventures lately... heeheehee!

They scared the POOP outta me - literally!  But now I have my own little spaceship!  And I've even been to Mars!



So while I'm tending bar, Muff's waitressing!  She's obviously not too happy about the situation...

Bella made this great pic of herself & Riley, me, Cooper & Finnigan, & Otis under the table.


Here's the bouncer at the bar...

All brawn, not much brains!

Sailing in our viking ship.


We also have a guestroom at Riley's, for buns that imbibe too much & are too unsteady to hop all the way home!

Petey & I each have our own private room, though!

SHEESH!  Rowdy patrons!


Riley the Viking Bun had an infestation of raccoons in his backyard, which he blogged about for nearly a year.  We all tried to help him think up ways to be rid of the nasty coons, to no avail.  Then the coons weren't seen or heard from for quite awhile, so Riley went about his business-as-usual, enjoying his backyard, when out of nowhere, 2 huge raccoons ambushed him.  My dear friend & business partner, Riley the Viking Bun, had been vanquished.  And so he is on his journey to Valhalla.

A few of us loyal Viking Buns who were regulars at the Roadhouse from the beginning posed for this group portrait (courtesy of Shorty) to honor Riley:

Top row:  Eddie, Muffy, Chipper the Squirrel (he serves coffee at the Roadhouse in the mornings), & Norman

Bottom row:  Petey, Cooper, Finnigan, Bella, Riley, *MEEE*, Otis, & Terry



I was diagnosed with the dreaded E.C., which weakened my hind legs so much that I could no longer hop into the litterbox.  So Mommie started blanketing our room with puppy training pads, which I used faithfully.  Next I was diagnosed with kidney failure, caused by the E.C.  So twice a week I got stuck with needles and received subQ fluids to help flush out the toxins in my system.  I got stabilized & still had a great appetite & gobbled up all my salad, hay, & treats.  And I became even more affectionate to Mommie than previously.  Mommie made this poster for me cuz she was so proud that I took my treatments like a little man:

This went on for several months.  Then one day in Nov '09 - only 2 months after Riley crossed the Rainbow Bridge - I greeted Mommie with plenty of kisses to her nose & mouth.  Mommie was delighted, but immediately realized that I was kissing her goodbye.  Since I wouldn't eat or drink, she burritoed me so she could syringe water & pellet mash into my mouth.  Later that night, while she was holding me, I suffered a seizure... and crossed the bridge myself.

My friend Pipkin wrote this poem for me:


Rascal was a pal to all

He always took the time

To comment on a photograph

Or write a cheery line


His art’s renown through Bunspace

Most everybunny sports

A picture he paw-painted

A caricature of sorts

He helped the Viking Riley

Get the Roadhowze under way

And then he kept it running

By pouring beer each day


Rascal’s a BunSpace Icon

We never shall forget

So raise a toast to Rascal

Our friend, the President

WOWZA!  Thanx, Pipkin!

One night a couple weeks after I left, I visited Mommie in her dreams. It was good that I didn't wait too long before contacting her. She came into the room where I was staying (different than the bunny room in our house) to feed me & clean the litterbox. I was running & binkying all over the place, showing off! I was really happy and Mommie was relieved I let her know that I'm ok.



My friends at the Roadhowze threw me a

sort of going-away party, and it was a blast!  

             Timmy made this invite:

My dear friend Timmy, who made the invite for my party, is convinced he's an alien.  Or, at least his Mommy is convinced.  Since he resembles a Tribble from Star Trek, I made him this:

Crickett & Tyler wrote this poem for me:

Search high or low or anywhere

Never will you meet a nicer hare

Looking for sumbun who's cute AND funny?

You will find him, it's Rascal Bunny!

He'll chat with you, give you pause to think

But never, oh never, will you be without a drink!

So here's to one very special bun

Who always fills the room with fun

Whether you're here or at the bridge

We will all miss you more than a smidge

So just make sure you always know

I will carry you with me where ever I go!


"Of all my favorite things to do,

The utmost is to have a brew.

My love grows for my foamy friend,

With each thirst-quenching elbow bend.

Beer's so frothy, smooth and cold --

It's paradise - pure liquid gold.

Yes, beer means many things to me...

That's all for now, I gotta pee!"


I miss my husbun!  Sure, I was bossy, but at least I mellowed when he got sick.  I groomed my Rascal all the time & made sure he got a big enough share of the food & treats.  And he never lost either his appetite or his spirit.  That little guy was spunky up till the day he left.  I was alone for a few months while mommie perused the singles ads placed by eligible boy buns.  Finally she decided on a cute lop who was then transported here from southern California.  Introducing........... 


Well...... Turns out that mommie was allergic to BigFoot's incredibly thick fur - she suffered a horrible asthma attack that lasted a whole 2 weeks, the entire time he was here!  Now, her asthma has not bothered her for the entire 8 years she's been living in AZ, so she knew something wasn't right.  Fortunately, some friends we know on Bunspace drove here from Phoenix, picked BigFoot up, & took him to Brambley Hedge Rescue.  After spending a couple weeks in a foster home, he was adopted into a wonderful, loving home!  A big "THANX" to everyone who helped us thru this!

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