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Wellllllll.......  I found myself in a shelter in southern Calif; meanwhile, Mommie felt the urge to check Petfinder.  And there I was!  Originally she was looking at a CA dwarf bun but was easily persuaded to pick me instead!  Then she asked around Bunspace if anyone lived near this particular shelter who could do transport, & shazaam!  Shorty's mom volunteered to chauffeur me to AZ.  I'm sooooo hoppy to be back home again!  I'm cuddly & enjoy sitting in mommie's lap, plus I'm perfect with my litterbox!  Mommie told me I was the bunny she's always wanted (as far as looks, temperment, etc).  Know what I told her?  That it's taken me 4 lifetimes to finally get it right! Heeheeheee!

But - the Queen is NOT amused!  Muffy the Diva isn't too pleased that I'm here.  So for the time being, I've been banished to a pen in the next room from her.  SHEESH!  Muffy, it's MEEEEE!  For bunny's sake!  (I really think she's jealous cuz mommie always loved me best!)

Well, now I'm back in the den, and Muff's been "banished" to the pen next door.  I'd like to get reaquainted with her, but we tried twice already & she was a little too aggressive towards me.  Really, Muffy, knock it off!  It's only an act, I know you missed me!  heeheeeheeee



WOWZA!!  My friend Otie on Bunspace wrote a song for me!  Thanx, buddy!  I am honored, this is incredible!

You'd think that people would have had enough of WascalBunny
Log onto BunSpace and you'll see it isn't so
Everyone there wants to be buddies with WascalBunny
And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know
'cause here he is again
We love him, we love him
We love him, we love him


I can't explain the feelings plain to me
Can't you see?
Ha, he cracks me up,
He's the King of Bunglish can't you see?
What's wrong with that?
I need to know
'cause here he is again
We love him, we love him

He built the Roadhowze where we gather
We don't want no stuffy meeting hall
When he's around to entertain us
Life isn't boring, it isn't boring,
Not soporific at all


How can I tell you about our Wascal?
How can I tell you about our Wascal?
How can I tell you about our Wascal?
(We love him)
How can I tell you about our Wascal?
(We love him)

We love him, we love him
We love him, we love him
(I can't explain the feelings plain to me, said can't you see?
He's the King of BunSpace, said can't you see)


You'd think that people would have had enough of WascalBunny
I look around me and I see it isn't so
This is the fourth time he's been back, that WascalBunny
And what's wrong with that...?

Well, I was only back for a month when I got sick from stasis.  Mommie really freaked out cuz she was afraid she'd lose me again so soon!  But she rushed me to the vet & luckily I recovered, though it took 2 weeks.  I lost lotsa weight & was looking really scrawny so mommie kept trying to fatten me up.  Sheesh!  She was always sticking that syringe down my yap, full of babyfood & CC mash!  For weeks afterward I had a dirty face with dried mash stuck to my fur - I didn't think it would ever come off!  heehee


Oh my bunny!  I was shedding soooo bad that mommie had to furminate me daily.  And you won't believe what happened to the big ball of fur that came off of me!  SHEESH!!!


We've been having fun playing poker for carrots.  From left:  Bunz, me, Willow, Petey, & Zuul.  Thanx, Zuul, for making this buntastic pic for us!

Muck up the environment, willya, BP?  Well, POOP ON YOU!  I'm flying right over BP HQ & dumping my load of BUNNY POOP on you!

And then we worked on raising funds for our dear friend Rocky, a bunny in Greece who had cancer.  As there weren't any really bunny-savvy vets in Greece, we were attempting to raise funds for Rocky & his mom to travel to Canada for his treatment.  Unfortunately, Rocky went to the Rainbow Bridge before this could happen.  I miss you, Rockoulino!


We're starring in remakes of some famous movies!

WOWZA!!  Lookit me & the Mrs now!

Me, Petey, Muffy, & Bunz

Petey, me, Muffy, & Bunz

I tell ya, Bunners really has it out for Shorty!

Oh that Shorty, heeheeee!  He's gonna end up in hot water if he doesn't watch it!  In fact, I think we're just gonna ROAST Shorty one of these days!  (Whaddya mean, to "roast" Shorty iz just a euphanism?)

I think she's gonna poopbomb him!

And who could blame her,

after this atrocity?

          Timmy & Shiloh shoot 'em up!                                

Here's Bunz (construction worker), Petey (cowboy), me (motorcycle cop), Shorty (indian chief), Finnigan (soldier), & Cooper (biker).

Bunz, myself, & Petey are still rocking!

I really like to zoom around the galaxy on the Starship Enterprise!  We're having our 1st annual Tribble Toss Party - how many Tribbles can you juggle at once?  heehee  Left to right: Shorty Worf, me as Data, LaDiva Troi, Bunz Riker, Dr Bunn Crusher, Capt Petey Picard, Muffy as Guinan (hey, no fair, Muff, you show up twice!), & Timmy LaForge.

Bunz ponders the meaning of life...

Well, Bunz' mom recently went away for the weekend, leaving Bunz & his dad home alone.  It was party central, big time!  Later on, Bunz & his dad had a snoring contest!  heeheeheeee

Lately Norman's been under the weather.  Get well, Norm!  Geez, must be an epidemic - now Shorty's not feeling well!  Being a very cranky & demanding patient, it takes 2 nurses to care for him!  Sheesh!  Poor Bunn Bunn & Muffy sure got their work cut out for them!

Muffy's been acting quite the Diva, as usual...  OHH, SHEESH!!

How to Twain a Hoomin: a Guide fur House Wabbits


Training your human can be time consuming and requires a lot of patience as obviously they aren't as intelligent as us.  But, it needs to be done so the sooner you start the better.  For the benefit of house rabbits everywhere, we've put together our list of rules which the humans should follow.  You could try putting this on the fridge door or maybe on the TV screen...

1. Don't disturb us when we're sleeping.  Never, ever, ever - unless the house is burning down.


2. When we want cuddles, we'll come and ask.  Just cos we're cute doesn't mean we want to be cuddled 24-7.

3. Mealtimes must be strictly adhered to.  No excuses.


4. Change our litter tray more often than you clean your toilet.  Seriously - we're a lot cleaner than you.

5. Just open the bag of hay and let us help ourselves.  We don't care about the mess and neither should you.


6. Jumping on the bed is a much better way of waking you up than an alarm clock.  Admit it.

7. When we sit and stare at you, we're trying to tell you something.  At least make the effort to think what it might be.

8. We're addicted to cables and therefore can't be blamed for any accidental damage.  Sorry about that!

9. The sofa belongs to us just as much as it belongs to you.  Try not to sit on us please.


10. When we roll on our backs, this is not an invitation to tickle our tummies.  Or to start acting like the paparazzi.

11. If somethings in our way, we're going to nibble it.  No if's, but's or why's.


12. Like a man's garden shed, our den is sacrosanct so enter at your peril.

13. If we bite you, there's a good reason.  Try and think what it might be and adjust your behaviour accordingly.


14. We might cling to you when you take us to the vets but that's only because you're the lesser of two evils.  Don't flatter yourselves.

15. Don't eat chocolate and biscuits in our presence.  It's like torture, we want it so much.

16. We know you're all individuals, have different personalities and like different things.  Kindly return the favor.

17. If you have to clip our nails or whatever, do it as qui
ckly as possible and then pretend it never happened.  The loss of dignity is major.

18. When we turn our backs on you, get the message.  Talk to the bum cos the face ain't listening.

19. Don't call us out of our den unless there's a really, really good reason.  Like a visit from the Queen, or food.

20. And finally... when we give you our trust, it's for life.  It's the best gift you'll ever get and you know it.

So, encourage your humans to follow these rules and you shouldn't have too many problems.  The slower ones might take a while but a gentle nip keeps them on the right track and reminds them that bunny knows best.  Good luck, fellow house rabbits and remember - it's a bunny world, the humans just live in it!

WOWZA!!  Petey has reached his 13th birthday, & we're threw him a humongus celebration at the Roadhowze.  It's not often that a bunny gets to be that age & still in good health.  But Petey's in great shape!  Soooo... are you curious as to how a bunny's age compares to a human's age?  Here's a comparison chart:

Since Petey is 13 years old, he reckons he's equal to a 94-yr-old human!

Meadow recently posted this poem on Bunspace (author unknown):



My rabbits live here; they’re here to stay.

You don’t like pets?  Then be on your way.


They share my home, my food, my space ~

     this is their home, this is their place.


You will find rabbit hair on the floor,


     they’ll come to see you at the door.

They may request a little pat,


     but a simple ‘no’ will settle that.

It gripes me when I hear you say

     ‘Just how is it you live this way?


They smell, they shed, they’re in the way.’

     WHO ASKED YOU? is all I can say.

They love me more than anyone;

     my voice is like the rising sun;

they merely have to hear me say

     ‘C’mon, it’s time to go and play!’

Then noses twitch and faces grin,

     they bounce and hop and make a din.

They never say ‘no time for you’,

     they’re always there, to GO and DO.


And if I’m sad?  They’re by my side.

     And if I’m mad?  They circle wide.

And if I laugh, they laugh with me.

     They understand, they always see.

   So once again, I say to you

Come visit me, but know this too:

My rabbits live here, they’re here to stay.

     If you don’t like pets, be on your way.

They share my home, my food, my space;

     this is their home.  This is their place.

The "unofficial" Bunspace newsletter - every 2 weeks, they put out a great newsletter for Bunspacers, recapping the past 2 weeks' events. Who's been sick, who crossed the bridge, the best pix, videos, blogs, forum topics, & humor, plus the Top Bun of the Week and the Bun in the Spotlight - Cawwot Tops has it all!

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