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2011 is the Year of the Rabbit according to Chinese Astrology, so we do need to celebrate!  Woohoo!

Unfortunately, this new year brought us some sadness.  Our dear friend Norman crossed the Rainbow Bridge after being sick for a long time.  Just before he left us, we were able to find his twin, Norm Jr, & send it to him!

Norman was king of the hats; he had hats for all occasions.  Here's a couple of my favorites:

We love you & miss you, Norm!

Norm's now together again with his brother Riley in a field of dandelions at the Rainbow Bridge...

I'm the Wizard of AZ!  heeheeee

And after a hard day of making magick (& magickal artwork), I like to sit back & relax with a nightcap!​

We're still open for business at

Riley's Rustic Roadhouse!

Left to right at the Roadhouse:  Petey, Cooper & Finnigan, *ME*, Bunz, Riley (in doorway), & Norman.  Though they've gone to the Rainbow Bridge, Riley & Norm will always be a part of the Roadhouse.

R.I.P MUFFY 4/22/11

Quotes from famous bunnies (& their human counterparts):

Famous bun: William Shakesbun

“To be cute and furry exceeds man’s might.”

Human counterpart: William Shakespeare

“To be wise and love exceeds man’s might.”

Famous bun: Bunfucius

“Nose bonks are the voice of the heart.”

Human counterpart: Confucius

“Words are the voice of the heart.”

Famous bun: Theobun Roosevelt

“Twitch your nose and chew on a big stick; you will go far.”

Human counterpart: Theodore Roosevelt

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”

Famous bun: Bunston Churchill

“There is no such thing as a good butt bath.”

Human counterpart: Winston Churchill

“There is no such thing as a good tax.”

Famous bun: Bunistotle

“Those that know, do. Those that understand, flop.”

Human counterpart: Aristotle

“Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.”

Famous bun: Nelson Bundela

“After chewing on a willow basket, one only finds that there are many more willow baskets to chew.”

Human counterpart: Nelson Mandela

“After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.”

Famous bun: Abunham Lincoln

“A cardboard box chewed in half cannot stand.”

Human counterpart: Abraham Lincoln

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Famous bun: Patrick Bunry

“Give me freedom or give me a treat.”

Human counterpart: Patrick Henry

“Give me liberty or give me death.”

Thanx to Cricket FuzzyPantz for compiling this list!​

We're in shock... on the morning of April 22, Muffy, our Divalishuss Diva, suffered either a heart attack or seizure & was gone within minutes!  We haven't a clue as to what happened to her.  She's probably having tea parties at the Rainbow Bridge with her friends, Babs, Tasha, & Trinket.

We lost a true icon at Bunspace; shortly after Muffy departed for the Rainbow Bridge, she was joined by Babs.  Babs was the very first bunny to friend us when we joined Bunspace over 3 years ago!

Get your motor runnin'...  I'm a bad boy, heeheeee!
(Just don't tell my Mommie!)

Been spending my time at the Roadhouse, drinking beers with the guys.  A new bun named Buster joined us, he taught me how to shoot pool.  Poor Petey can't hold his liquour very well these days, though!


What did you expect?  We're bunnies!  SHEEEEEESH!!!


We had a great party in Petey's newly redecorated bathroom while his parents were out.  Poor Petey was so scared they'd find out, so Buster to the rescue while Bunz & I snoozed on!
(Artwork by Buster)

That Buster's a pretty cool bun, so I decided to adopt him as my Wizard's Apprentice!  We're having too much fun!  Woohoo!

HOW TO PET A HOOMIN, by Gwenni Bunny

Petting a hoomin takes a lot of practice.  Some are very finicky and you can only groom them in one direction or on certain parts of their body, like a leg or hand.  Some hoomins like it if you kiss their face, others will back away in fear because they think you are going to bite their lip.  Of course, if its me, they SHOULD back away in fear, because I WILL bite their lips.  Tiglath [Gwenni's mate], however, is a schmoozer and will kiss anybun.  The silly hoomins dont realize that even though he is so much bigger, I'm the cute little darling they should be afraid of.

When petting a hoomin, remember that each one has its own personality.  It is too easy to lump them all in a general catergory of "hoomin" and think they should all act alike.  Do not be disappointed if you had a great experience with one hoomin and you try the same cuddle technique with another one and the new hoomin just doesn't respond in the same way.  Patience and persistence are required.  You just cant expect every hoomin to be well behaved.  Some hoomins learn quickly and feed your treats every time you make eye contact.  Other hoomins are pretty thick and you may have to glare at them for 20 minutes before they get the idea.  Good behavior should be rewarded with lots of cuddles.  Hoomins respond to soft, comforting noises too, so remember to tooth purr to make your hoomin feel relaxed.

The most important thing to remember about petting a hoomin is that you must meet them at their own level.  They feel uncomfortable getting down on the floor with you, so you must go out of your comfort zone and hop up on the couch with them.  Hoomins feel more secure when you pet them in places they are used to. If your hoomin has a favorite chair, hop up into his or her lap to initiate a cuddle session.  But not all places are good places to pet a hoomin.  For some reason, hoomins regard a bun hopping up on their desk the same we regard a hoomin lifting up our hideyhole box to clean it when we're in it - its a major invasion of private space.  Yes, I know that the idea of a hoomin having "private" space is an illusion, and we buns own everything and have to get into "their" things some times to take care of them.  But hoomins feel more secure if you allow them to keep their illusions for most of the time.

In closing, hoomins need attention and affection, even if they pretend they are independent and want to be left alone.  You may need to modify your techniques to just spending time with the hoomin at first, until the hoomin learns to relax and accept affection.  Some hoomins have had a rough life and it may take them a long time to learn this.  Don't take it personally, they have this problem with other hoomins too.  And its not a bad thing - not all buns and hoomins are trustworthy and learning to have healthy boundaries is a good thing.  But hoomins need love so its important to take the time to build up trust with your hoomin.

Hoomins have a lot of stress in their lives and we buns provide excellant fur therapy, so its important that every bun learns how to pet a hooomin.



Yup, it's that time of year again, for the 3rd annual Petey Birthday Party!  We had one heckuva blowout, too!  We hope Petey gets to celebrate many more years!

You've gotta see my house!

We got our house painted & landscaped recently; here's before & after photos:


Not again... (SIGH)  Enter the Boopster!

Although I was enjoying my bachelor days with my buds, I was still a little lonely.  So I looked into finding an (e)mail-order bride on the internet.  As she was a California Girl, my buddy Shorty did me the honor of bringing her to Arizona.

Here's Shorty bringing Boopsie - can you believe, he doesn't even use helmets!

Here I am, nervously awaiting my new bride!

Boopsie was sooo shy, it took her over an hour to come outta the carrier!

Shy, my BUTT! Soon as she got settled in, look what happened!


It took 6 nerve-wracking weeks, but by New Years Eve 2011, Boops & I were getting along well enough to be together all the time.

Boops is a lot different than Muffy - she's no diva!  Instead, she's more of a tomboy.  But we still managed to get her to pose for these pix, courtesy of some of our Bunspace friends:


One of the highlights of the year was the (Full) Moon Landing, by Jack & Mooney.  Well done, fellas!

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