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 2012 is The Year of the Dragon!

Hoppy Holidaze fwom da Fantastic Four

Wasn't I the cutest Holiday Elf?

Shorty's sister Bingo crossed the Rainbow Bridge early in 2012.  We miss you, Lady Bings!

        Bingo's beau, Dominic, visits her.                                                         

Bingo at the Rainbow Bridge.


Buster, Bunz, Burr, Petey, & me partying

on our private plane.  (Art by Buster.)

Buster's trying to teach us how to bowl, but it's hard to hang onto that slippery ball without opposable thumbs!

Petey, Buster, Bunz, Jax, & me having fun at a beach party.

We really like to be on top of things!

Rolling down the highway!

Otis (right front) joins us at the Roadhouse.

We had a PJ & beer party!

A little fun at the county fair!

We also went camping in the desert!

We're on our way to Beverly Hills!

Bunz & I got to drive the beerwagon!

Buster & I explore the universe at night.

We love to go tailgating!  (art by Buster)

WOWZA!  We posed for Mt Bunmore!

I don't remember posing for this!  (art by Lou)

Sometimes Q's friends drop in to visit, heheeheeee!

Here I am on my great adventure in space!

My buddy Quasar, he gives great massages with those loooooong fingers!

We like to spend our summer days floating in the pool in our private grotto.

Petey contemplates his upcoming 15th birthday.

Buster enjoys playing golf but I find it rather borrrrrrrring!

(above)  Mommie's license plate, isn't it great?

(right)  What's your sign? I'm a Gemini, but actually I should be a double Gemini, cuz there's been 4 of me so far, heehee!

​BREAKING NEWS!  This just in - Bunspace has just officially acquired their 20,000th member, in just 4 1/2 years of being online!  Congrats to Mr & Mrs Admin!!! 

             Buster made this great pix of us.                                    We love nomming punkin pie!

Don't hang onto me - if I fall, everybunny falls!                                              

Whale-watching in Hawaii.


This summer, while the humans had their Olympics in Europe, we Bunspace Bunnies had a Poop Olympics of our own!


We're the Poop Crew!

Here's something I bet you didn't know!

AHHH! Relaxing on the beach...

Woohoo! I'm surfing!

(I needed some liquid courage to do this!


Petey wanted a pool party for his 15th birthday party, & it sure was fun!  Not many bunnies reach the grand old age of 15; Petey estimated he was the equivalent of a human 101 years old!  Shortly after, Petey's ailing, arthritic body began to fail him & so he was helped to cross the Rainbow Bridge. We miss you, Petey!

Binky free, Petey!  We love you!

But Petey still visits us in our dreams. Here we are, sitting on the back porch, enjoying pizza, beer, & wine.

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