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We made it to 2013!

You didn't actually believe the world would end on Dec. 21, 2012, did you?  It seems some folks did!

My new TV commercial, notice my green hay moustache?

I love driving my race car!

Buster & I as beer-drinking bunbots.


Let's make a deal - we're trading our poops (for fertilizer) to a neighbor who's sharing the proceeds of his garden with us!

I'm a poop expert!

I'm the Poop Police - if you fail to visit the Poop Forum, I'll be hopping by your profile page!

Buster & I are Poop Warriors; his little sister originated the rainbow mohawk haredo!


Hay folks! I know we're super cute & all, but PLEASE don't buy baby bunnies for your children at Easter time! Kids have notoriously short attenion spans & will most likely get bored with the bunny's feeding & care within a week or so. Better to buy stuffed bunnies & chocolate bunnies, as there are already too many unwanted bunnies who've been dumped at shelters & (shudder) parks!

‘Twas the Night Before Easter

'Twas the night before Easter, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The baskets were ready for eggs they would find
Hidden by the Easter Bunny so cute and so kind.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds
With no thought of their bunny who hadn’t been fed.
With Ma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap
We knew he was hungry but we needed a nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But the Easter Bunny - with eyes full of tears.

He un-caged the rabbit, once lively and quick,
Last year's Easter Gift, now lonely and sick.
More rapid than eagles he called the bunn’s name
And with a few binkies, the bunny happily came.

"You poor little soul, so sad and alone,
With no one to love you in this so-called home.
How quickly they forgot about your joys and your needs.
Come with me, Little One, come with me please.

Run with me, Bunny, stretch your legs tall!
Let's find you a home where you’ll be loved by all."
The Easter Bunny left no chocolates that year
But he certainly made one thing quite clear.

The gift of a rabbit is not just for the season,
We had gotten the bunny for all the wrong reasons.
“A bunny would make a great gift!” was our thought
But there was one important thing we forgot.

A bunny should be family, and loved just as much,
Not locked in a cage and denied human touch.
They need more than a name, a pat and a meal,
They need companionship and love that is real."

And I heard him exclaim as he dashed out of sight
"You weren't given a gift! You were given a LIFE!"


Author Unknown


It's my 20th Bunniversary!  I've been with my mommie 20 years, as of this spring!  Oh sure, I've been thru 4 different lifetimes, but I still am & always will be the same soul!  I'm THE RASCAL, I AM!


"What's that in the window, Petey?"
Here I am driving the Mars Rover! 
I'm having so much fun!
Remember the movie "SIGNS"?
We're the crew of the USS Enterprise!

Just call me Wascal Wallenda! 

Ahhhh... relaxing in the hot tub.

On my way to save the day! They ran outta beer at the party!

We have our own private grotto to go swimming in during the summer.

My own personal beer can car!

Our Halloween costumes.  We were pirates this year.

Some of the fun activities we shared with our friends this year.

We went on a picnic.  Art by Newt.

We also went & played putt-putt.

Art by Newt.

    A fun time at the punkin patch.

   More great artwork by Newt.





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