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SHEESH! Whatta way to start the year!

The house next door burned down in the middle of the night! We were awakened at 4am by neighbors yelling & pounding on the door, telling us we had to get outta the house cuz the wind was blowing in our direction! They helped mommie get us into our carrier & took us outside to safety while we waited for the fire dept to arrive. Luckily they came within 5 minutes & prevented the fire from spreading to our property - WHEW! Whatta scary experience!

So this is what it looked like next door for the next 3 months - sheesh!

FINALLY!!  All that crap was cleared away & the lot was completely razed. It took the crew 2 weeks to finish the job.

OOOOPS!  We're in trouble, I think!

 Goodbye to the Baroness

We said goodbye to our dear friend, the Baroness, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge in May of this year. I made this picture of her being escorted to the RBB by her previously deceased brothers Theodore, Nicko, & Cinnamon. Upon seeing the picture for the first time, her human mother remarked that, just as the Baroness was about to draw her last breath, she sensed the presence of these 3 bunnies, as if they arrived to escort the Baroness across the Bridge. An incredible psychic connection!


We have lots of fun going out on the pontoon boat.

Art by Newt.

After a day at the beach, we like to congregate at the Tiki Bar.


A very special bunny turned 11 this year, & we held a big birthday party for him.  I wrote this little ditty in his honor...

Shorty's been a really good friend for a long time - he brought both Boops & myself from shelters in California to mommie in AZ!

 Speaking of California, every year they have terrible wildfires.  As we have lotsa friends in Calif, this year we tried to help out!

We got own own home!  Isn't it cute?  So we invited our friends over for a party.

Our Latest Escapade

Welllll, sad to say, the illustrious grocery store known as Whole Foods committed a humongus gaff by selling RABBIT MEAT for human consumption!  So us bunnies & our human slaves are engaged in a campaign to not only boycott them, but also to spread the word nationwide.  I mean, SHEESH!  Would you eat your pet dog or cat?

We're gonna bury them in POOP!!!


We sailed the 7 seas & discovered a fantastic secluded island to call our own.  And the black pearls?  We plan to dump them on Whole Foods Market!

We're always up for mischief!


Really, when you consider the disrespect & inhumanity shown to the native occupants of this country by the invading palefaces, it's a freaking shame!

Speaking of Shame...

HUH!  At least we bunnies don't cause crime or pollution, or any of that other hoomin nonsense!  SHEESH!!


You can tell we don't care much for holidaze!


We think it's cruel to kill animals, especially just for "sport."  Oh, & you don't need to kill them for food either.  You could go veg!


Every Sunday we have a nice brunch for our friends in the lounge at Riley's Rustic Roadhouse.  It's a tradition we started quite awhile ago & everybunny loves it!

Our friend Jojo got his own TV series!  Doesn't he look dapper?

I predict we're gonna have a nasty winter!  Can you believe it?  On New Year's Day we had snow flurries here in Arizona!  SHEESH!

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