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We love Doctor Who!  The 10th Doctor is our favorite.  Mommie sure loves him too!  (She says he's cute.  Whaaat, CUTE?!  I'm the cute one around here!)

Oh boy, we're all gonna go for a trip on the Tardis!


The X-Files TV series came back, after a looooooong absence!  Wowza, I can't believe it!  The truth is still out there!

Something to think about there!


2016 will go down in history as the worst year of my lives.  I lost 2 of my bestest buddies on Bunspace only 2 months apart.  First to leave was that funloving little scoundrel Shorty, just 2 months shy of his 13th birthday.  Followed all too soon by Bunz, my bestest drinking buddy at the Roadhouse, right after his 9th birthday.  Months later, I'm still in shock.

Small Heading

Every year, Shorty would hold the Calipants Family Reunion.  Unfortunately, this year's reunion is at the Rainbow Bridge.

The hardest portrait I ever had to do of one of my friends...

A tribute to some of the good friends I've lost over the past few years.

Some of my good friends at the Rainbow Bridge  - Herman, Bunz, Petey, Shorty, Possum, Riley, & Norman.

Terry, Herbie, & I toasting Bunz at the poolside Tiki Bar.  We can still feel his presence there.


Our nephew, Guzzie (Guzzlebug), lives at the Big Ears Sanctuary on the island of Tasmania.  When he comes to visit, Boopsie tucks him in bed & I  always read him a bedtime story.

Guzzie loves to play with his toy tank.  We're gonna borrow it it to blow up that dang Rainbow Bridge, cuz we're losing too many friendz!

Ahhhh... After a hard day of blowing up the Bridge, this is the way to relax!


As our circle of friends expands, so does the size of our pool!

We love to sit on our porch & munch goodies & down a few beers.

We sure had a fun vacation in Egypt!

Our friend Russell Rabbit found us this cool purple Victorian home.  Wussa is my nickname for him.

It's an election year, & Terry & I decided to run for office.  Since bunnies prefer things to be clean, quiet, cozy, & speedy, we figured we'd be the perfect candidates!

PS - We didn't win, boohoo!


Well, in Sept I was diagnosed with that most villianous of maladies - EC, complete with head tilt!  The first few months I was completely bedridden, as I couldn't even stand up, much less walk, by myself. My mommie hand-fed me, medicated me, & tried her best to keep me clean as I couldn't hop into the litterbox anymore. Normally 4 lbs, I lost an entire pound & was skin & bones; plus, all the fur on my face fell out!  It was rough going for several months, but finally, with lots of love, patience, Panacur, & Critical Care, I gained back the weight & new, soft, white fur grew back on my face.  I can now walk with sort of a semi-hop, but my days of binkying & running the Bunny 500 are over.  While I was at my sickest, Boops stayed away from me, but now that I'm stable, she's at my side most of the time, grooming me & helping to keep me clean in the areas I can't reach by myself.

Boops is my private duty nurse!
It took forever, but now I can finally sit up & groom myself.  Mommie is so proud of me!

We took a bus trip with our friends.

One of the sites we went to see - the updated version of Mt Bunmore. L to R:  Truffles, Herbie, me, & Terry.

And after that trip that we headed back to Bunspace, where we entered the Ugly Xmas Sweater Contest.  Guess what - I WON!!!

My sweater isn't only uuuuugly, it's downright SCARY!!

Boops looks cute as a Xmas Tree.

So now we've got our jammies, stuffed toy, & hot cocoa & are ready for a long winter's nap.   See you next year!

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