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(I THINK...)

Hooboy, it's a new year!  But I'm not sure about it being HOPPY!  After all, who'd of thought that we'd end up with a president who's a loudmouth, narcissistic, misogynist, greedy, liar!  It shows how low the standards of the humans who elected him have dropped!  SHEESH!!

What can I say?  These pictures speak for themselves!

We need to impeach this clown - he's dangerous!  In the meantime, Boops & I, plus many of our friends, have taken refuge in underground bomb shelters in the event this madman pushes the button.  We've even opened a new Riley's Rustic Roadhouse in an old refurbished bunker!

Mommie wants one of these!
HAHA!!  I turned him into an ugly toad!
Well at least I'm consistant!
My dear friend Maxx went to the Rainbow Bridge in July. He was battling EC, just like me. His brother Parsley was there to greet him.
My friend Ollie got married to his fiancee Chloe in Sept. Here they are on their bunnymoon.

I went on a road trip with my buddy Jason & a whole bunch of other buns.  Here's our mishap at Meteor Crater, Arizona:

Following our rescue by kindly aliens, we continued our journey to the Lowell Observatory, where we got to look thru the big telescope!

To top off our adventure, driving thru the desert we came upon a crashed saucer with a few stranded aliens.  We thought it would be nice to help them & called a tow truck.  After all, they helped us out when we were stuck inside Meteor Crater!  At least we think it was them... those gray aliens all look alike, heeheeheee!

Halloween at the White House!

Poor Mommie!  She got the flu near the end of this very negative year.  Here we are, taking care of her.  If you think she looks like a bunny with long red hare (LOL),  yup, that's her!  heehee

As far as my EC, I'm doing remarkably well after a year!  I can run & hop, & almost sit up for treats!  The only time I'm penned up is at nighttime; during the day I have the run of the livingroom with Boops!

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